Fall 2024
BCL, Université Côte d’Azur
Formal Semantics
Instructor: Friederike Moltmann
Contact: fmoltmann@unice.fr
Time: Mondays 10.00h-12.00h
Campus St. Angely, 25 ave Mitterand, 06300 Nice
- Regular readings
- Active participation in the course and preparation of answers to problems
- Take-home exam
Main text:
Elisabeth Coppock / Lucas Champollion: Introduction to Formal Semantics (IFS)
Available online: https://eecoppock.info/semantics-boot-camp-spring-2024.pdf
Session 1 (November 18):
What is Formal Semantics? (handout)
Session 2 (November 25):
Foundations of Semantics (IFS, chap. 1)
Sets, Relations, Functions (IFS, chap. 2)
Session 3 (December 2):
Negative polarity items, Sets, Relations, Functions (IFS, chap. 2)
Session 4 (December 9):
Propositional Logic and its Linguistic Applications (IFS, chap. 3)
Session 5 (December 16):
Predicate Logic and Its Linguistic Applications (IFS, chap. 4)