Friederike Moltmann » Events » Workshop 'Artifacts and Artifacts Talk: Cognitive and Semantic Aspects’, Padua
Workshop 'Artifacts and Artifacts Talk: Cognitive and Semantic Aspects’, Padua

Date: June 29, 2014

University of Padua
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education
and Applied Psychology (FISPPA), Graduate School in Philosophy

June 30, 2014

Piazza Capitaniato 3, Padua (Italy)
Sala Giacon

10.30 - 11.45 Marco Santambrogio (University of Parma/San Raffaele Milan),
Pencils, Words, Artworks

11,45 - 12,00 break

12,00-13,15 Asya Passinsky (NYU) Norm and Object: A Normative Theory of
Social Objects.

13.15 - 14.30 break

14.30 - 15.45 Sara Dellantonio (University of Trento) The Architecture of
Categorization. Artifacts and Other Kinds of Things.

15.45 - 16.00 break

16.00 - 17.15 Daria Mingardo (University of Milan): Metaphysical and
Epistemic Privilege in Artefacts Creation

17:15 - 17:30 break

17:30 - 18:45 Friederike Moltmann  (CNRS, France /NYU, USA): Cognitive
Products, Artifacts, and the Semantics of Attitude Reports


Massimiliano Carrara, Friederike Moltmann, Vittorio
Morato, Marzia Soavi