Friederike Moltmann
Research Interests
Research Interests
Workshop Part-Whole Structure and its Reflection in Natural Language
Situation-Based Approaches in Semantics (fall 2025)
Philosophy of Language: The Ontology and Semantics of Parts and Wholes, fall 2024
Research Seminar 'Clausal Complements', spring and fall 2024
News Room
New paper 'On the Semantics and Ontology of the Mass-Count Distinction', to appear in Philosophy Compass
Workshop on Part-Whole Structure, January 23-24, 2025
New paper 'On the Ontology and Semantics of Absence'
New paper 'Nonexistent Objects and their Semantic and Ontological Dependence on Referential Acts'. Topoi 2024, online first.
New book Objects and Attitudes, forthcoming 2024
New paper: 'Philosophical and Linguistic Intuitions and the Core-Periphery Distinction'
New book project Plural Reference abd Syntactic Three-Dimensionality
New paper: 'Events in Contemporary Semantics'
New paper: 'Modes of Being and Non-Being: Existence, Occurrence, and Validity'
New paper 'Metaphysics First or Language First? The Notion of a Single Object'
New paper: 'Modes, Disturbances, and Spatio-Temporal Location'
New paper: 'Linguistic and Philosophical Intuitions and the Core-Periphery Distinction'
'Objects and Attitudes' (OUP, forthcoming), prepublication version
Here the final program 12th SEMANTICS AND PHILOSPHY IN EUROPE (SPE) colloquium (October 11-13 in Nice)
New paper 'Reference to Properties in Natural Language'
New paper 'Special Quantification: Substitutional, Higher-Order, and Nominalization Approaches'
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Natural Language Ontology is now published
New paper 'Is there Reference ro Abstract Objects?'
New paper: 'Modes, Disturbances, and Spatio-Temporal Location'
Forthcoming online symposion on natural language ontology, September (!) 2022
Workshop 'The Ontology of the Mind and Its Linguistic Reflection: Emotions', April 28-29, 2022
New paper: 'Empathetic Attitude Reports' (to appear in SuB Proceedings)
Recent talk at the College de France: 'Object-Based Truthmker Semantics for Different Clause Types'
Workshop 'The Ontology of the Mind and Its Linguistic Reflection: The Content-Force Distinction', December 13, 2021
New, forthcoming paper:'Tastes and the Ontology of Impersonal Perception Reports'
Forthcoming talk 'Empathetic Attitude Reports' at Sinn und Bedeutung 26, 2021.
New publication: 'Names, Light Nouns, and Countability'. To appear in Linguistic Inquiry
Forthcoming paper 'Truthmaking, Satisfaction, and the Force-Content Distinction'
Now published: TL target article with comments: 'Truthmaker Semantics for Natural Language: Attitude Verbs, Modals, and Intensional Transitive Verbs'
Forthcoming paper 'Levels of Ontology and Natural Language: The Case of the Ontology of Parts and Wholes'.
First version of my SEP entry 'Natural Language Ontology'
New paper 'Events and the Mass-Count Distinction'
Forthcoming paper 'Outline of an Object-Based Truthmaker Semantics for Modals and Attitude Reports'
The paper 'Existence Predicates' has finally appeared in an issue of Synthese
New publication 'Situations, Alternatives, and the Semantics of 'Cases'' (online first)
Final version of 'Natural Language Ontology' (Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics)
'Introduction'. To appear in F. Moltmann (ed.): Mass and Count in Linguistics, Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Benjamins, Amsterdam.
Forthcoming paper 'Abstract Objects and the Ontological Core-Periphery Distinction in the Ontological and Conceptual Domain of Natural Language'
New draft of a paper 'Attitudinal Objects' (Routledge Handbook of Propositions)
Handouts of my lectures at the Hamburg Summer School on Truthmakers, July 2019
New forthcoming paper 'Attitudinal Objects. Their Ontology and Importance for Philosophy and Natural Language Semantics'.
The paper 'An Object-Based Truthmaker Semantics for Modals' has now appeared in Philosophical Issues
The paper 'Intensional Relative Clauses and the Semantics of Variable Objects' has now been published
The paper 'Truth predicates, truth bearers, and their variants', now published in Synthese online first
The paper 'Existence Predicates' is now published in Synthese online first
Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 10 (SPE10), Barcelona, December 17-18, 2018
Final version of 'Nominals and Event Structure'
New paper 'Truth Predicates, Truth Bearers, and their Variants'
Workshop on Clausal Complements at Rutgers, April 6, 2018
New Paper: 'Clauses as Semantic Predicates. Difficulties for Possible-Worlds Semantics'
Plural Reference and Syntactic Three-Dimensionality, new version of book outline, November 2017
The edited volume 'Act-based Conceptions of Propositional Content' has come out with OUP.
'Natural Language Ontology'. Invited entry for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
20 years Parts and Woles in Semantics (Oxford University Press, 1997).
Book project OBJECTS AND ATTITUDES this fall
Compact Course: Metaphysics and Natural Language, Part 2, Paris, September 7, 2017
Semantics and Philosophy in Europe (SPE) 9, Padua, September 4-6, 2017
Two new art-based OUP blog entries for my books 'Abstract Objects' (2013) and 'Parts and Wholes in Semantics' (1997)
Workshop on the Semantics of Embedded Sentences, NYU, Department of Philosophy, May 17, 2017
OUP blog about 'Unity and Plurality'
Graduate Course 'Language and Ontology', March - June 2016, Padua
NYU Workshop 'Imperatives and Deontic Modals' , Sunday, March 20, 2016
NYU talks 'Acts, Objects, and Attitudes'
Tutorial 'Clausal Complements' at SPE8 (Cambridge)
Workshop 'Sentences and Embedded Clauses: New Work in Syntax and Semantics', Paris
ESSLLI 2015: Advanced Course ‘Act-Based Conceptions of Propositional Content’
Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 8, Cambridge
Visiting professor, University of Padua
'3am' Interview with Richard Marshall
France-Berkeley Fund
Forthcoming publication: Natural Language Ontology (SEP entry)
'Objects and Attitudes' (OUP, forthcoming), prefinal versions of the chapters
New paper Philosophical and Linguistic Intuitions and the Core-Periphery Distinction