NYU talks 'Acts, Objects, and Attitudes'
Posted On: December 14, 2015
Mo 4-6, Nov. 9, 16, 23, 30, Dec. 7, 14
R 103, NYU, Department of Linguistics, 10 Washington Square, NYC, NY 10003
Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 8, Cambridge
Posted On: May 25, 2015
DATE: September 17-19, 2015 (conference), September 16, 2015 (tutorials)
VENUE: Newnham College, University of Cambridge
Tutorial on Sentential Complements together with Jane Grimshaw (Rutgers)
France-Berkeley Fund
Posted On: July 02, 2014
France – Berkeley Fund Project 2014/15
The Distinction between Actions and Products and its Importance for Social Ontology and Speech Act Theory
Project leaders:
Friederike Moltmann (CNRS-IHPST) and John Searle (Berkeley)